I hope this email finds you well. Thank you so much for being a dear friend, and thank you so much for keeping up with my content. I started this newsletter because I want to help businesses that are hurting right now due to the COVID19 grow online. Anyone who has ever thought about maybe using the internet to promote their business, that is who I want to talk to. I've been preaching it for years and the time has finally come: any businesses not using social media and web are pretty much going to die in the next few years. This virus sped up the whole process; I thought it was going to take longer. We are all in this together, and this is how I'm giving back to the world during this pandemic. I'm giving a 90% discount on your starter website pack. Regular price is $1,000, but I'm aware that most businesses might not be in a situation to invest that kind of money right now. So I'm giving everyone a 90% discount on my service during the month of April. Here's what the package includes: - Starter Website - Google My Business Profile - Facebook Business Page - Instagram Account - YouTube Channel - LinkedIn Business Page - Twitter Account I will set these up for you and teach you how to use them. I can also manage these accounts for you for an additional $100/mo per platform.

If you would like to do these things yourself, here are my top three keys to growing your Facebook page.
Keys to a Growing Your Facebook Page
1. Invite 50 friends to like your page daily. 2. Engage with your audience. Every comment, every message, every day. 3. Ask your audience to share your content. Next I want to ask you to subscribe to my youtube channel and podcast for updates and ideas on making money during lockdown.
YouTube Channel

If you are more of a visual person, check out my YouTube Channel.

Subscribe to my podcast. Ideas and advice to make money online.
Need some extra cash to keep you floating during the lockdown?
Lets talk about Dosh, because this is the hottest app for your phone right now! This app pays you to shop and invite friends. Very handy right now during this lockdown.
Featured Artist: Dcplina

This cat is a really good friend of mine, and I'm super excited to help promote his music as I had waited for his debut album, Dicen Clean Up, to drop for almost a decade. From the first time I heard him rap, I knew there was something special and about him. His distinguished, bilingual style is definitively worth checking out.
Please, please, please... if you find value in my content or know someone who will, share my newsletter with them. Forward them this email.
I'm gonna leave you with the following quote:
"I can’t change the direction of the wind,
but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."
– Jimmy Dean
Thank you so much, keep rocking!