Happy Sunday! I hope this email finds you well.
I'm super happy to announce new changes to my "side hustle," the cookie brand my wife and I run, Minalin Cookies, to adapt and continue serving you a quality cookie during COVID19 quarantine lockdown. We decided to offer free delivery on orders of $10+ until 8pm. We made the announcement last night and have already received a ton of positive feedback as well as one order already placed.
Click the image below to check out the cookie brand my wife and I run, Minalin Cookies:

I have three episodes on my podcast where I talk about my cookie brand. I talk about the behind the scenes of running the brand and the growth numbers. I really think Episode three is extremely important for any business owner because it talks about Facebook ads. If you want to hear what I'm doing and get some ideas for your own business, check out the three episodes below:
More News!
I added two new clients to my client list! I'm expanding my portfolio as quickly as I possibly can, and I will continue to update you guys whenever I do so you can check out what I'm doing and hopefully there's something throughout my content that can help you in your business. Click here to see my clients list on my website. If you are new to my newsletter and love it, but you wish you could see past emails, click the link below. I created an archive of these emails in my blog... check it out here.
Featured Artist Dcplina
This cat is a really good friend of mine, and I'm super excited to help promote his music as I had waited for his debut album, Dicen Clean Up, to drop for almost a decade. From the first time I heard him rap, I knew there was something special and about him. His distinguished, bilingual style is definitively worth checking out.
Please, please, please... if you find value in my content or know someone who will, share my newsletter with them. Forward them this email.
I'm gonna leave you with the following quote:
"Cookies are made of butter and love."
– Norwegian Proverb
Thank you so much, keep rocking!